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Answered Prayers - The Real Issue

We kind of say to ourselves "now let me see, what time do I have to spare?" and make half an effort - to spare, and we want from Him answered prayer? without spending adequate time in His Presence like we do with a loved one.

We would see more often His True Nature instead of so many doubts. We could see those things He purposes for us that are often better than our requests. However, they can actually go by months or years without being discovered because we fail to spend precious time with Him like we do with a loved one, and all manner of things that aren't important really, half the time.

We're not really engaged with Him, but we can spare a few minutes to ask for this and that, when He wishes to relate closely with us.

We want answered prayers without entitlements so to speak, don't we? No decent marriage could run like that yet we expect things to be different with the Lord of Glory. We really do. So one can rightly say, the failing is on our part, rather than His when we don't see "answers to our prayers" we can hardly call it prayer.

That's why Jesus advised us about "asking amiss"...... we need to have intimacy with Him before we come to know Him as our Prayer Answering God. Is that fair? I think it is. And that's the way it is.

Translational wording aside, the question Jesus asked Peter was "do you seriously love Me?" and it's no different with us.

Peter's answer was "sure Jesus, I love You a lot, I want to serve You" but Jesus' question was do you love Me fervently (an intimate love and affection) not how passionate we are about service. That can often be... we want to play a roll, rather than how closely we we wish to relate. A different desire completely.

AKA many servants of God speak about moving in the Anointing (a leading of the Spirit) not many actually carry His Presence. It's the same with us, we want to do this and that. We sometimes get leadings of the Spirit but when we pray, we want to mostly do the talking, not so much the listening, to hear things He wishes to say to us.

And also, when we pray, we are restless to move away and do something else, rather than stay there in that quiet place. More anxious to fill our brain with things and attend to everything else. Hey?

In truth, that pretty much describes the prayer life of most of us and many seldom pray. Yet we all want "answered prayers"

The Lord said to me once prophetically years ago "you have prayed for this and that, and I say to you, those answers will come according to your change, according to the time you spend with Me" and that's where it's at with each one of us. It really is. Not some good intentions and how much time we can we can "spare"

Jesus rose from the grave and we can't get out of bed, so to speak. We like our comfort mode, and put up with discomforts in life because we're not willing to spend precious time with Him and not really interested in what He has to say to us.

Don't ask Him for the Power of God even because we want it amiss. Ask Him for Staying Power and spend precious time with Him. Other things will follow. David said "I will not give to The Lord what costs me nothing."

I am ready to be sought by those who will seek Me. Know that if you do, I shall be found. Decide to be those Maidens with Oil in their Lamps - when I Come, I will choose you for My Bride. "__________ do you Love Me?"

Other things take second place when you really love someone. Everything has it's place. I really do feel many need to come to Him and say "I am a stranger to Your Holiness, forgive me, I don't wish to be like that anymore"

Once you do that, make sure to follow through every day, without delay. He/she who hesitates is lost. "Acquaint yourself with Him and be at Peace. Thereby His Goodness will Come to You". 

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