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Treasured Friendship

In trust and harmony

our friendship, you and me

Treasured times together

a fond-ship that lasts forever

Looking forward to those special times

we'd meet somewhere nice

when the weather is fine

We'd share our secrets, yours and mine

Yes, pleasant and happy times.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Your Friendship

"There is something in your friendship

Very sweet for rainy days—

‘Tis your thoughtfulness in finding

What I like in little ways

And of doing one by one,

Things that others leave undone.

There is something in your friendship,

Sane and strong and glad and true,

Which makes better worth the doing

Everything I have to do,

And your friendly word and smile

Somehow helps make life worth-while.

There is something in you friendship

Very rare to find, my friend,

‘Tis unselfishness in giving

Without stint and without end;

So there is—at last I learn—

Love that asks for no return.

There is something in your friendship

That has stood through many a test,

Giving me a sense of safety,

Of security and rest—

Friend of mine, my whole life through,

I’ll be glad that I met you."

Author Unknown

Pure Delight

 It's such a pleasure and a joy

To have a friend like you.

You always care, you're always there,

You say the right things, too!

You make me smile when I am low

You're just a pure delight.

We talk a lot about everything;

You make my life so bright!

I hope that I am giving you

Some joy and happiness,

Because you mean so much to me,

More than I can express!

Joanna Fuchs ©

True Friendship

If you're feeling joyful or sometimes bleak

Your presence I would always seek

We lend each other special strengths

we're with each other for the length.

We seek to build each other up

in joyful loyalty and trust.

We like to have those special times

where we share our secrets__ yours and mine

True friendship lasts forever.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Soul-mates are people who bring out the best in you.

They are not perfect but are always perfect for you.

~ Author Unknown

You Are A Blessing to Me

Have I told you lately,

you are a blessing to me

have I expressed how much

in you, God’s grace I can see.

Have I let you know recently,

how much I appreciate you

have I conveyed in actual words

my gratitude for all you do.

Have I voiced my pleasure,

of just having you around

have I said, you lift me up

whenever I’m feeling down.

Have I uttered my thanks,

for your kindness and love

have I spoken I believe . . .

you’re my angel from above.

Have I told you lately,

what a blessing you are to me

have I expressed just how much

of Jesus ~ in you, I do see!

Deborah Ann Belka © 2014

True Qualities in Friendship

You have a say and I have mine

we may not fully agree all the time

You don't have to meet my every need

that is a kindness, love indeed.

Your manner fosters special trust

not given to pride contempt or lust

That is a friendship that will work

where discontentment does not lurk.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Healthy Friendships

People are not always at their best

but on these qualities our friendships

should rest:

Forgiveness when one speaks a word out

of line

but it should not be necessary all the time

Some interests to be shared and ventured

Pleasant times that we can treasure__

that does not have to be without measure

And occasional time for adventure.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Prayer for a Friend

O Lord, Please bless our friendship

Our friendship is like a long steady soft rain.

It's not so harsh that it will destroy.

Yet it is not so soft that it goes unnoticed.

Our friendship is growing in your grace.

Please bless our friendship, and keep it holy at all times.

Friendship is a gift from you, O Lord, and we thank you.

May our friendship always produce the fruits of the spirit.

And may the soft rain of our friendship nourish the heart forever.

I wish you inner silence when things look empty.


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