Inspired In Christ
The Greatest Treasure We Have!
by Ps Gregory Dickhow
Inspired In Christ
The Greatest Treasure We Have!
by Ps Gregory Dickhow
Every day, all over the world, people everywhere are dealing with some kind of struggle in their lives . . .
whether it be in their family, finances, health, or some kind of emotional distress.
If you ever feel like that, I want to tell you as your friend that you’re not alone.
Life tends to stress and strain our heart and soul. We all want more peace in our lives.
That’s why I’m writing to you today.
I have some hope to share with you, which has the power to change your life from the inside out!
How can YOU activate God’s unlimited power in your life?
You see, the root of the problem is that there is something that is affecting us, limiting us, and limiting God from working in our lives.
We have been limiting God by our limiting beliefs.
We need to take the limits off, because all things are possible with God. And all things are possible for those who believe.
So, let me show you how to believe.
God has already given us the secrets to solving every problem we encounter in our lives.
In fact, He gave us specific directions to enter the gateway of peace and hope.
His Word . . . is His way!
God’s Word is the miraculous passageway to align His way of thinking with ours.
God says, “My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah 55:9)
Do you see the connection? Our “ways” fall short of God’s ways because our “thoughts” fall short of God’s thoughts.
That’s why He gave us the Scriptures, so that we could understand His thoughts, which would lead us into His ways.
This is the greatest treasure we have!
God has given us promise upon promise . . . of His power to save, heal, and deliver us. He promises you peace,
joy, confidence, wisdom, and answers to your prayers.
I know how difficult it can be to “keep the faith” during a time of struggle, but it is that kind of faith that leads to the promise of peace.
But here’s the key, and it’s simpler than you may think.
“Therefore having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” (Romans 5:1)
His Word says we’re justified by faith, or we’re made right by faith. Since we are made right by faith, we have peace with God.
So, if you want to experience peace in your life, you simply need to believe that Jesus has made you righteous by His blood,
and has given you the right to all of His promises. This will bring you supernatural peace in your life.
And this simple faith starts by hearing the Word of Christ.
“Faith comes from hearing, and hearing from the word about Christ.” (Romans 10:17 NASB)
Faith doesn’t come from striving . . . from being a good person . . . from trying harder . . . from being smarter . . . or holier . . .
Faith doesn’t come from any other place, other than the Word of Christ.
Faith comes from the Word of Christ, and what He’s done for us. Jesus said, “It is finished.” He finished the work necessary for your salvation, your healing, your freedom, and your victory. And believing that “word of Christ” (His finished work on the Cross) is what activates God’s power in your life!
He’s working in us as we allow the Word of Christ to seep into our way of thinking.
Our lives, hearts, and minds are transformed by believing in the finished work of Jesus—that’s the Word of Christ.
If you don’t hear about Christ’s love, you won’t believe that He loves you.
If you don’t hear about Christ’s forgiveness, you won’t believe you’re forgiven.
If you don’t hear about Christ’s healing, faith won’t come for healing.
If you don’t hear about Christ’s deliverance, you won’t have any faith to receive His deliverance.
Faith comes from hearing the Word of Christ.
One of Gregory's Sayings Is
"It might sound impossible, but impossible circumstances are NO MATCH for the possibilities of God!"
Gregory's Testimony
I was really blessed to hear part of Gregory's testimony in one of his preaching videos on YouTube a few years ago.
I was quite surprised to hear his background - it's just like Jesus to lift the lowly! Isn't it?
He said that he felt helpless, hopeless and dejected in the days of his youth.
Then when he Found Jesus, he had this wonderful close encounter with Him.
He really Enjoyed reading Scriptures and was experiencing a personal transformation through them.
Not long after that, he desired to know more of God's Word and considered the
idea of attending a Bible College...
Jesus interrupted him saying "Don't do that, I will Teach you instead!"
In my opinion, he would have to be one of the best Revelatory Teachers Today
and he is practical in his outlook and application of Scripture.