Inspired In Christ
International Worship
Inspired In Christ
International Worship
It's really nice to see brothers and sisters in different countries praising and worshipping The Lord.
We have such a small picture of what worship is all about - from where we fellowship often and even our
own country. Christians in different countries have wonderful ways of worshipping The Lord - even quite
majestic sometimes. It is really lovely to hear and see them.
We often think they have found "our Savior" often, but He is not limited to our way of thinking
or our way of doing things aye? He is so much bigger and many times, they lead the
way in prayer, praise and worship and a truly devoted Walk with Jesus and actually, we could
follow their example to make Him feel Happy, hey?
I have known some Christians from Finland, Italy and Asia, here in Australia and their love for Jesus
is really contagious. Let's enjoy The Lord's Presence in these beautiful Videos I've found.
Let's go!
You will find them in the sub-pages of this web-menu.