Beauty Of Creation
Bubbling brooks and flowing streams
Waterfalls and rivers
Flowing like a sanctuary
Showers of His Grace
Reflecting His Glory
Janet Vargas ©
Sun Blessed Morning
The sun does spill on every flower
the nectar and the dew
On this a blessed morning
created for me and you.
I’m resting here on my rocking chair
basking in the nice warm air
This is a morning of pure delight
I’m precious in His sight.
Janet Vargas ©
Waiting For Spring
In the springtime you’ll be fine
In the meantime I wish you some sunshine
Springtime is a time for smiles
A time when you could just walk for miles
Cheery birds sing their melodies
Flowers are budding like symphonies.
Janet Vargas ©
Nature’s Creator
The sun heralds the day
and sheds light on this earth
Each day is like a rebirth.
Those bright sun rays
shine over the hills
and on the glistening sea.
It shines on us when we are still
and through the leaves of the trees.
Janet Vargas ©
Our Creator’s Special Touch
To smell a rose in sweet repose
And in in fragrance delight
To walk along those shorelines
And touch a gentle leaf.
The sweetness of a baby’s breath
And those bubbly feet.
Of luscious fruit to have a taste
And feel the nice fresh air.
To hug my comfy pillow
To have a nice sunny day.
Such blessings from a Wonderful Maker
Who made earth and sky.
Janet Vargas ©
Glorious Springtime
Blossoms, more blossoms
As far as I see
That’s what springtime is to me.
As the breeze caresses
My flowing tresses
gently through the trees.
“Oh where are my blossoms
My beautiful blossoms”
They have given way to leaves
That protect the buds in summer
Then fruit I can see.
For my Maker, this matchless Creator
Said seasons there would be__
Oh what wisdom, what manifold wisdom
And just to think that He even made me.
I sit and ponder such glorious things
The treasures He has in store.
Janet Vargas ©
God’s Cute Little Creatures
He made the butterflies and bees
They fly in the air and look so free
Willy-wags and sparrows and tropical fish
Little turtles that walk on a dish.
He even made the lady-birds
Those cute little bugs that look like birds.
When you see them in the garden
You feel so blessed and take a rest.
Janet Vargas ©
Sweet Little Bird
In my garden, my nature garden
My companion waits for me
This little bird, this sweet little bird
He frolics in the air__
Then gently rests on me.
He plays in the birdbath
And flutters and splashes
Then suddenly dashes away__
‘Till the next day when he greets me again
Yes, truly this is my friend.
Janet Vargas ©
Colors Of A Rainbow
Pretty colors in the sky
the colors of a rainbow
On us His Grace, He did bestow
a blessing for you and I
For we are blessed each time we see
our hearts are filled with glee
Those pretty colors in the sky
a token of Love from Above
Janet Vargas ©
God In Creation
The Melodic Hills speak of His Praise
the birds are singing Salvation's Song
The Rivers so clear a Reflection of Him
The Skies His Glory Displayed.
The Trees are speaking of His Righteousness
His Beauty is shown in every Rose
The Skies revealing His Majesty
The warmth of the Sun His Compassion
and Love.
The Rainbow His Grace on every Face
and His Joy, Pure Joy is Raining on me
They all testify of His Excellent Ways
they speak of Him every day.
Janet Vargas ©