Inspired In Christ Poems and Sayings
Some Are By Janet
Poems and Sayings
Some Are By Janet
(See the Sub-Pages)
God's Little Creatures
Little creatures in Creation
in every Nation
Cute ones, pretty ones, magnificent too
they have different ways of saying I love you.
They like to give each-other hugs and kisses
to see more, one wishes.
They are are so beautiful, so playful
especially the baby ones
there's nothing cuter under the sun!
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My Dear Child
I tried to wake you last night so we could have an intimate conversation, but you asked Me to let you sleep.
I let you sleep. I was waiting for you to come to Me in the morning, but you found so many things to do. You promised to meet Me, but ran out of time.
During the day I shaped the clouds in such a way as to turn your thoughts to Me, but you were soon on to the next thing in your “to do” list.
We began a conversation when you were listening to Christian radio, but it ended all to quickly. When you asked Me to bless your food,
I thought perhaps you would still your heart for a moment to let Me respond, but you did not.
In the evening you came home, tired from your busy day. I thought you would sit with My Word in front of you and let Me speak comfort and encouragement
to your heart, but you turned on the TV and let it capture your thoughts for hours.
When you went bed I knew we would have a moment together, and we finally did.
It only lasted for a minute and you were sound asleep. At-least I was able to tell you I love you and ask for more time with you tomorrow.
I have so much to share with you, but I will not make you spend time with Me.
Your Life Could Have So Much More Meaning and Purpose.
Won’t You Give Me the Time?
Your loving Redeemer,
By Paul Wallace
While this isn't one of my Poems, I can relate with it - having websites to keep up with - and you know something?
Most of us talk with loved ones every day and He is there waiting for His share of our affections. We show Him our love
with the time (and interest) we give Him. It's kind of like we love them more, or we place more importance
on spending time with them. Hey!?
Sad to say, many of His Children spend less time with Him than they do occasionally with a good friend.
We forget that Jesus has feelings. Is it that they find prayer boring maybe?
There are ways of overcoming that on Worship-Jesus.Com.
I had the privilege of finding Paul's wonderful website this morning and will include it in the BIBLE HELPS Menu
at the top of your screen so you too, can Enjoy. He has lots of short Audio and PDF Sermons that will give you
a lot of Inspirations with so many Scriptures. Paul has a wealth of Scriptural Knowledge with relative factors.
Some of the best I've heard in 40-50 Yrs. He is obviously an Evangelical Theologian and I will be
spending regular visits there. How about You?
Psalm 70:4
"Let all those who Seek you Rejoice and be Glad in you. Let those who Love your Salvation continually say, "Let God be exalted."