Psalms Of Mercy, Grace And Comfort
Psalm 4 and 5
Psalm 4:1-8
Psalms Of Mercy, Grace And Comfort
Psalm 4 and 5
Psalm 4:1-8
Grace and Mercy and Righteousness
1 My God of Grace and Righteousness, You have
Vindicated me before and Saved me from distress.
You are Gracious to hear my prayer
Once again, hide me in Your Favor.
2 Restless people, how long shall my honor be turned into shame?
How long will you love empty things and seek after lies?
3 Know this, that the Almighty has set apart the Faithful for Himself.
He hears when I Call to Him.
4 Be angry if you must but do not offend my God.
Contemplate on the Lord of Creation
upon your beds with respect.
5 Consider that you could live for Him
and trust in His Mercy.
6 So many are saying, “Who will show us some good?
Let the light of Your Countenance shine on us, Lord.
7 You have instilled more Joy in my heart
than they have when their grain and wine abounds.
8 So I shall lay down and sleep peacefully now
for You O Lord, make me dwell in safety.
I trust You!
Janet Vargas © 2021
Psalm 5
Psalm 5
Hear When I Pray Lord
1 Oh Lord, listen closely as I pray! Be attentive to my concerns.
2 You are my King of Kings and Merciful God.
I shall wait in Trust for You to answer me.
3 Each morning You can hear me as I bring my requests to You
and await your reply.
7 Your Great Mercy draws me into Your Presence Lord,
And at times, I am filled with wonderment when I come in worship.
8 In Your Righteousness, guide me
Teach me what steps to take clearly because of my enemies.
11 I come to you for protection, let me always sing joyful songs.
Be with those who truly love You, providing shelter from life’s storms
Cause us all to Rejoice.
12 You take note of those who live right
Be happy to Bless and Guide and Comfort.
Be our Strength and Shield.
Be with us in Your Loving Kindness each day and Always.
Janet Vargas © 2021
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It's Good To Practice The Fear Of The Lord.