Inspired In Christ
Inspired In Christ
Don’t take time to entertain thoughts of doubt
give them a clout
Nip negative thoughts in the bud
in this way you can run
towards your God.
Let your feet be shod
with the Gospel of Peace
that brings comfort and release.
Gospel is Good News, that’s your Good Report
the one that brings comfort and release
so your thoughts are at ease.
Keep yielded and still to the sound of His Voice
with singleness of heart, yes this is a choice.
With God you win
over thoughts that make your light dim
Unite your heart and worship Him.
He will cause the sun not to go down
or He will cause you to cross over on dry ground
He is not short of answers, so don’t let yourself frown.
He’s the God of Peace, His Presence seek
He’s the God of Peace, oh let your heart leap.
Sing songs of Praise, His Anthem raise.
Rejoice, Rejoice, yes lift your voice
The Ancient of Days is on your side
fill your heart with worship, in Him abide.
Janet Vargas © Dec 2015