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Inspired In Christ

Walking With Christ - Phil 3

Knowing Christ - The Goal of Life

Most of us as Christians have missed the Life-Principles the apostle Paul was trying to impart here,

pertaining to Grace and Righteousness; sharing the sufferings and Victories of Christ in part of our living;

Running a Race and Devoting our energies to receiving a Glorious Prize at the end of it.

And having a Prize to win - most Christians are spiritually lethargic and distracted from that.


From Philippians 3

Verse Nbs in Blue      Symbol Letters in Red   

Paul says in verse 4 - 6 how the righteousness (based on law) he sought to achieve with God

was futile and how he accepted the Work of Christ in place of it, describing his passion and full

commitment to Him throughout his days.


7 But whatever things were J gain to me, those things I have counted G as loss I for the sake of Christ. 8 K More I than that, I count all things to be loss I in view of the surpassing value of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whom I have suffered the loss of all things I, and count them but rubbish so that I may gain D Christ, 9 and may be found D in Him, not having a righteousness of my K own derived from the Law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness which comes from J God I on the basis of faith, 10 that I may know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of His sufferings, being conformed to His death; 11 in order that I may attain D to the resurrection from the dead. 


12 Not that I have already obtained it or have already become G perfect, but I press on so that I may lay hold D of that for which also I was laid hold of by Christ Jesus. 13 Brethren, I do not regard myself as having laid hold G of it yet; but one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and reaching forward to what lies ahead I, 14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. 15 Let us therefore, as many as are perfect, have A this attitude; and if in anything you have a different attitude, God will reveal that also to you; 16 however, let us keep living A by that same I standard to which we have attained. 


20 For our I citizenship is in Heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; 21 who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the Power that He has A even to subject D all things I to Himself.


Hebrew and Greek are unique languages that have certain emphasis on certain words

we write and speak. This Bible Software program is different to others

in this way - a wonderful blessing to the Body of  Christ.


A Picture ongoing (continual, habitual, constant) action. 

The context determines the precise sense of the continuing activity.

D Picture complete (holistic) action to be checked off. 

G Imagine the ongoing result of the finished action. 

K identifies words which are emphasised by their "strengthened (grammatical) form" 

J at the left-hand corner of a highlighted word indicates that the emphasis of 

that word was determined on the basis of context as well as its position 

I Lord as our great I God means He is infinitely great – not just a little!


The above paragraphs come from BIBLE DISCOVERY Software!


In verse 4-6 (not here) Paul speaks of his works of the Law and says they are in vain,

it only leads to self righteousness, so we must look to Jesus instead.


Knowing Christ   Verse 7-11

Reaching Forward to God’s Goal   Verse 12-16

Passion and Outcome   Verse 20,21


The Truth New Testament

7 I used to think all these things were to my credit, unyet now I have Christ, I realise I gained nothing from them.

8 so now I regard those things as worthless compared to the greatest privilege of all, of knowing Christ Jesus as my Lord. For His sake, 

I have left everything of the past behind and have considered those things as rubbish so that I could have Christ and live in Him.

9 Seeking my own righteousness by obeying the Law was futile when compared to the righteousness I have now through faith in Christ. 

This is the true righteousness that comes as a Gift from God and can only be received through faith in Christ.

10 I want to know Christ and His Resurrection Power. I am prepared to be at one with Him by sharing in His sufferings.

14 Yes I press on toward my goal, which is to lay hold of the prize God has for me when He calls me home to Heaven in unity with Christ Jesus.

16 At least, continue to live in the good of what you have already received and do not slip back.


New Jerusalem Bible

14 I am racing forward to what lies in front, I am racing toward the finishing-point to win the prize of God's heavenly call in Christ Jesus.

15 So this is the way in which all of us who are mature should be thinking, and if you are thinking differently in any way, then God has yet to 

make this matter clear to you.

16 Meanwhile, let us go forward from that point we have each attained.

20 Our Homeland is in Heaven, and it is from there we are expecting a Savior Jesus Christ

21 who will transform this wretched body of ours, into the mould of His glorious body, through the working of the Power that He has, 

even to bring all things into His Mastery.




It's sad to say, most people these days, are introduced to Christ without the Need for Repentance (a change of heart that takes place, when 

receiving Jesus as Lord and Savior) and the realisation the SALVATION that JESUS offers US is by FAITH in His GRACE, Not by WORKS of LAW.

And following that DECISION - the Free Salvation He Gives Us in Response to Faith, He calls us to Live a Life of Commitment where we have a 

Constant DESIRE to be Like Jesus. Not religiously speaking, but having daily victory over self-desire and worldly desires,

Placing more Value on JESUS and Heavenly Treasures when it comes to who and what we want the MOST.


Many Christians think or have been led to believe that Grace and Salvation mean No Strings Attached 

and Jesus wants me to tell you today, that there is........ HEART-STRINGS.

He desires Our Heart-Strings like a lover - no less than we would have if we were newly married.

Many marry for 'better or worse' many don't even do that these days.

The picture is of a couple who love each-other so much, they embrace each-other in Good times and moments

and not-so-good times and moments........and nothing changes or diminishes their Bond of Love.......

it continues to GROW and it just becomes RICHER.


I see a Spiritual Love Story here in the heart of Paul. And JESUS wants that to be the Story of Each One of US.

He Really Does! Can you See this?

Choice Privileges don't apply to wayward children, you know that?

Unyet preachers keep telling you that they do - yes, they keep telling you ways to Get Things out of God.......

and.......Get Your Prayers Answered.......does that sound familiar?

Well sometimes, my friend, that is False-Teaching, and it's dangerous - it can cause you to lose your PRIZE in HEAVEN

and it can also cause many to lose their Eternity with Jesus. Many times, it is an 'ear tickling' deceitful doctrine

from a deceitful preacher OR at best, one who needs to get his/her heart right with God.

Make no mistake about it.


Paul said "So let all who are fully mature have this same passion, and if anyone is not yet gripped by these desires, God will reveal it to them."

They are not mature! Do you remember Paul's words "If anyone preaches a different gospel?"

The Holy Spirit is saying to you today "don't follow that kind of teaching/preaching, no matter what kind of scriptures they use,

come and let Me guide and govern your hearts. Search the Scriptures yourselves and purpose to live them."

JESUS is saying "SEEK TO KNOW ME" again. YES!


If we only love Jesus when things are good, what kind of love is that?

Truly, our love does not fluctuate with our spouse, our parents, our children, when things aren't going well, does it?

In fact, sometimes it feels even richer. That's the substance Jesus is looking for in our Love FOR HIM.


There are many preachers who appeal to THE FLESH and many who SEEM SPIRITUAL.


The Apostle Paul was neither of these kind of preachers.

He spent 14 years Living the Life before he delivered the Words of The Lord to

Philippians, Colossians and Ephesians etc


Re Verse 10,11 

 Think of all your sufferings (things we experience) as gains – when you see them the right way – 

 because when we do, they tally up in Heaven as part of our Rewards. They take on new meaning when 

we see them this way – not seeing them as pains (in life) but gains – we feel better this way!


Think about This

Many Christians want to be used by exploits for Jesus etc

when they won't even master sin in their lives and some things seem spiritually attractive to them.

They don't really know the first thing about Philippians 3 - not really.

I don't want you to be one of them. Neither does Paul

and certainly not Jesus.


We're not called to live a "happy happy" life and something is wrong if we don't.

But we can live with contentment in plenty and other like Paul did

with nothing affecting our JOY.

Happiness comes and goes, depending on circumstances.

The Joy of the Lord can be experienced every day

when our eyes are on Jesus.


Read more in We Find Peace This Way Philippians 4.

Peace and Joy are interchangable!


The Lord be with your spirit.

What My Readers Are Saying

I like the way these different translations are so clear and easy to understand. They are very easy to understand!

Saskaya from Jamaica

Preachers often mention Rewards in Heaven. They forget to tell us about the struggles and repentance that is needed on this Earth to have those rewards. As a result, you expect everything to be good, so some times we accept everything to be good, that is sometimes not good. Listen closely to The Lord__ anything that can pull you away is not from Him.

Teresa from Jamaica

That is the reason I placed them there Saskaya, most of us are used to reading the same translation

for years. I think this way, the words can leap off the page and become new and fresh.

If you look in the Resources Menu, you can find these translations and More

for your own Word-Study or a Spiritual Feast.

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