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True Qualities in Friendship

You have a say and I have mine

we may not fully agree all the time

You don't have to meet my every need

that is a kindness, love indeed.

Your manner fosters special trust

not given to pride contempt or lust

That is a friendship that will work

where discontentment does not lurk.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Blessed Boundaries

When engaged in conversation

that attempts to weigh you down

remind them of the scriptures

before they make you frown.

We should order our conversation

to see the Salvation of The Lord

It should be pleasing to the hearers

a blessing we could afford.

So if you want to talk to me

then you'd be truly wise

if you refrain from negativity

and reports of strife.

I'll be careful not to lend my ears

to endless talk that leads to tears.

Because I value the Peace within me

it's a precious gift from Jesus

He gives to keep us Free.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2013

Wisdom in Friendship

If you wish to be my friend expect me not to lend

my ears to negativity, of that I've made an end.

If you choose life and refrain from strife

we have some common ground.

But I will not engage in endless words

that make me wear a frown.

So if you have a good report

of how God is good to you

I have something to respond to

and it will keep you from feeling blue.

The words we speak are important

so let us be wise when we choose.

They make our friendship without relent

and that is kindness meant.

For if I hear all those sad reports

how can I lift you up?

Each time you give them you're getting deeper

I would not truly be a friend.

So let's share things that lift us up

it's written in His Word.

This way our conversations

can be some of the best we've heard.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2013

Healthy Friendships

People are not always at their best

but on these qualities our friendships

should rest:

Forgiveness when one speaks a word out of line

but it should not be necessary all the time

Some interests to be shared and ventured

Pleasant times that we can treasure__

that does not have to be without measure

And occasional time for adventure.

Janet Vargas © May 2012

Time for Change

You've made my life unrestful

you really ought to know

with your discontents

your perception has been slow.

Each time you share your hardships

it casts shadows on my day.

Where are the days that we once had

that used to make me glad?

You've become so serious

why don't you offload on God?

His shoulders are much bigger than mine

He has more energy and the time

to hear your needs but also make free.

Please choose Him next time instead of me

for I have challenges too

I was not meant to be in your shoes

I'd like to rest where skies are blue.

My heart used to be so free in God

while walking on this earthly sod.

I'm making a choice to return once more

would you like to join me

it's like pleasant shores?

If not my friend, I must go my way

to find myself some better days.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2013

Choose Wisely

Once I had some friendships

that went like sour grapes

They used to be so sweet they really were a treat.

Take care with whom you share your secrets

and aspirations in life

Make sure it is a proven friend who will not give you strife.

If life becomes too much for them

do not your confidence lend

for their moods can be unstable

even at your table.

Make them a casual acquaintance

and do not give them entrance

to the inner circle of your heart

be careful from the start

to see their true nature not just at their best

Make sure they are consistent so you have rest.

And if you can trust them you're truly blessed

you've found a friend indeed.

Janet Vargas © Oct 2013

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